Next Job Site?

August 30, 2016 (by Angela) This is just a strong potential, and really it is Jim’s story to tell once the contract is signed and we know for sure, but I’m really excited. For several days, we’ve thought that his next job would have him flying away to another cold-weather area while I had to…

Amazing Alaska

August 3, 2016 (by Jimmy) – Back to work. Flying again. Angela and I haven’t been apart due to work in over a year. But if you get out a map you will see that there are no roads to Juneau. Since the project I’m on is here, it is impossible to stay in the…

Hustling to Ohio

August 1, 2016 (by Angela) As mentioned in a couple of earlier posts, Jim and I had to hustle back to the Cleveland, Ohio, area so he could catch a flight today to his next job site in Juneau, Alaska. We left the Escapade in Vermont about 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 28th. It was…

Thoughts on the Escapade

July 28, 2016 (by Angela) To be totally honest, the 56th Annual Escapade held in Essex Junction, Vermont, was intended to be a fun way to knock out one of the five remaining states yet unvisited by me (Rule to count:  must spend the night and do something other than eat) With the main goal of…