Catching Up on Sleep and Settling In

November 29, 2014 (by Angela) Whew! What a week it has been. Between getting home from our son’s house Thanksgiving Day and this morning, we’ve been catching up on sleep.  Jim and I were not total lazy bones yesterday; we did get some organizing done, but we certainly didn’t over do it. We’ve continued organizing and getting…

Happy Thanksgiving

November 27, 2014 (by Jimmy) – First, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you; I hope you have many blessings to count.  Now on to the rambling. This has been a very busy week.  Angela and I have been moving things out of the apartment.  Yesterday, we finally moved out the last of the boxes.  She and I had…

Texas T for a Time & a Crazy Week is Coming

November 23, 2014 (by Angela) Yesterday, we moved from Mountain Lakes in Alabama to the Texas T. No, the Texas T Campground is not in Texas; it is in southern Middle Tennessee, not too far from several members of my family. This is a convenient place to stay for the week of Thanksgiving, and we…

First Stop – Alabama

November 20, 2014 (by Jimmy) – As I type this I am sitting outside at a picnic table, gazing across Guntersville Lake, a gentle breeze is blowing, the dog is laying beside me, and I have Jimmy Buffet playing on the outside speakers.  In short… Life is good!!! Yesterday, we finished our stay at Jellystone in…

A Week of New Experiences and More Lessons

November 18, 2014 (by Angela) Tomorrow will be one week – 7 days – since we picked up the 5th wheel and began our RV experience. It has been nothing like what I imagined our first week would be, but then again, the weather has been nothing like what would be expected in mid-November in…

Tired but Happy

November 15, 2014 (by Angela) The picture of our dog Chewie says it all: we’re tired. All of the furniture and 98% of other items we plan to keep but not move into the camper are safely settled in our storage unit.  Over the next three days, we will move the rest of our personal…

Last Minute Major Change in Plans

November 13, 2014 (by Angela) Jim’s meeting at the client’s office went well today, so he is going to finish his work on the project remotely.  This affords us an opportunity we did not expect and is really needed considering the current weather conditions and forecast. WE ARE PICKING UP THE CAMPER, SETTING IT UP…

Vexed by the Polar Vortex

November 12, 2014 (by Angela) Here we are three nights before our first night in the camper, and an unwelcome guest has flown in for a lengthy stay. Polar Vortex, as the guest is named, has arrived, and temps in Nashville, Tennessee, have dropped significantly from the comfortable 71 of yesterday. Here’s the forecast for the next…

The Storm before the Calm

November 11, 2014 (by Angela) No, I did not quote incorrectly the expression by accident; I titled this post exactly as intended. Why? Because we are in the storm before the calm of our new lifestyle (or at least I am). We are four days and a wake up before moving the rest of our belongings into either…