Sweeping Storms

July 15, 2015 (by Angela) Yesterday afternoon, from the Mississippi River to the Smoky Mountains, storms swept north to south across Tennessee like Sherman’s army surged through the South towards the sea a little over 150 years ago. While many other states faced similar or worse from these summer storms, the rain, wind, hail, lightning, and thunder…

I’m a Consultant, Too

July 13, 2015 (by Angela) My skills are not limited to teaching. After graduating with my B. S., I spent 15 years as a stay-at-home mom, so once the kids were older, I needed to do quite a bit to be licensed and certified. Initially, I was not ready for what that would require, so…

Solar Power

July 9, 2015 (by Angela) Although Jim and I expect to be hooked up to “shore” power at the campground for the next year while he works his current contract, it dawned on me yesterday that should the “grid” go down, we have no alternate power source once our two 12-volt deep cycle batteries are…

Busy Independence Day Weekend

July 8, 2015 (by Angela) The few days prior to and after the long Independence Day weekend were busy and exciting. Our son Nathaniel and daughter-in-law Rachel graciously agreed to come live in the RV during the holiday weekend; they live a little over an hour from where we are located now. Thursday, I did…